Pathophysiology Of HIV

HIV is commonly transmitted from mother to child or via hypodermic needles, blood transfusions, and unprotected sexual activity. When a person acquires the HIV virus in his or her body the virus replicated inside the body and kills the white blood cells and red blood cells, which are very crucial for immune response.

There are many complications when a person acquires HIV virus. Undergoing surgical procedures such as body contouring surgery, can be a tough decision for the patient and also the surgeon. As HIV can be passed through hypodermic needles, the tools that surgeon will be using should be clean before and after the surgery. The surgeon should also know the things to avoid during the surgery.

The HIV virus causes asymptomatic phase and influenza illness, this results to fall in CD4 count below 200 cells/ml. This is where the HIV virus has now progressed to AIDS. Pathophysiology of HIV is characterized by increasing the chances of opportunity disease and other types of cancers and also decrease in immunity.

After the virus enters the body, the body becomes very weak, and there is continues increase of virus in the peripheral blood. This gives a chance to simple primary infections. The HIV virus leads to a decrease in T cells+CD4 and also CD8+ T cells which are responsible for controlling virus levels.

About Pathophysiology Of HIV

Nevertheless, the characteristic of immune deficiency may not be observed within the first years after infection. The loss of CD4 and T cells occurs within the first week of infections, more so in the intestinal mucosa, that helps the majority of lymphocytes which is found within the body. Due to loss of CD4+T cells in the blood leads to loss of CCR5 coreceptor and leads to loss of mucosal cells.

During the acute infection, the HIV virus destroys the CD4 +Tcells and the CCR5. This greatly results in loss of immune cells that help in controlling infections in the body and leads to the latent phase of infection.

This leads to microbial of parts of the flora. This flora in a normal healthy person is controlled by the immune system. The proliferation of T cells and its activation provides a conducive environment for HIV infection. However direct destruction of HIV cannot result in the continued decrease of CD4+ T cells because only about 0.10% of CD4+ T cells is left in the blood of an infected person


Author: Claudia

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